I believe in:
Bettering myself.
Lifelong learning.
Embracing change.
Challenging myself.
Staying hungry for knowledge.
As a professional I need opportunities to develop, master and reflect on new approaches to working with my students. I believe in mastering new skills to adjust my practice to the needs of the children in my classroom.
I am a strong believer in taking opportunities to explore and question things in order to integrate new ideas into my repertoire and classroom practice. I recognize the importance in taking the time to work with colleagues and specialists as we critically examine new methods of teaching and to revise the curriculum as need be.
To take advantage of every opportunity for professional growth, I would like to attend workshops that relate to:
Classroom management strategies
Using technology in the classroom (for all subjects)
Setting high expectations
Curriculum content and design
Instructional strategies
Assessment and Evaluation strategies
Classroom centers
Workshops I have attended:
iPad in the Classroom: Mission Possible
Speaker: Joey Lento
This workshop covered real life examples of the use of iPads as a collaborative tool in the classroom. I learned about different strategies that could help me use the iPad as a teaching and learning tool for both regular and special education classrooms.
Praxis Malawi: Curriculum Change
Speaker: Melanie Stonebanks
A great workshop geared towards helping teachers make proper adjustments to meet the needs of all their students. The workshop offered me specialized tools on how to conduct ongoing assessment with ease.
Puppets with Purpose
Speaker: Sheila Pinsky
In this workshop I learned how to create puppets and put on a puppet show using recycled materials, innovative props and a variety of voices. I learned about the advantages of storytelling with puppets considering it stimulates imagination and open-ended discussion.
How can Differentiation and Ongoing Assessment Help you reach more Students in the Elementary ELA Classroom?
Speaker: Michael Pellegrin
Innovative workshop that allowed me to discover creative and thoughtful lessons that foster global citizenship and social justice. The session discussed how to transform inspiration to action and have real life students get involved in social activist projects.
Gamifying the Progression of Learning in the ESL Classroom
Speakers: Ms. Anne McDougall, ESL Specialist at FACE School, CSDM, and Dr. Teresa Hernandez-Gonzalez, Concordia U
The workshop given by Ms.McDougall and Dr.Hernandez-Gonzalez introduced a new method of allowing students and parents to better understand the progression of learning and its relation to a student's overall grade in the report card. We learned about starting Progression of Learning Passports where students can keep track of notions they can do from the ''I can'' statements. Next year many of the ESL teachers from the CSTL board will work together of incorporating the ''I can'' Passports to our classrooms.
Videos for explicit ESL teaching, Storybots, Dobble, Class Dojo, + more
Speaker: Suzie Breton & ESL teachers
In order to respond to several requests regarding useful digital resources in the ESL classroom, Suzie asked for ESL teachers to share some of their digital resources. In this workshop I learned about how to use Class Dojo, as well as Storybots! I am excited to use both of these resources next year in my ESL classroom!
Groups & Blogs that I Follow:
http://elementary-esl.blogspot.ca/ - Blog that offers lesson plan ideas for ESL in elementary
Quebec ESL Teachers - Facebook group that offers ESL teachers to share ideas, lesson plans, good days, bad days, & offers ESL teachers a safe place to ask questions and share our concerns.
Professional Development