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My Teaching Goals

I want to be the type of teacher that:

  • Is consistent.

  • Is supportive.

  • Is approachable

  • Starts fresh each day.

  • Knows her students.

  • Is not afraid to be silly.

  • Documents a whole lot.

  • Promotes self-reflection.

  • Gives rapid and specific feedback.

  • Uses rubrics and checklists regularly.

  • Thinks outside the box and takes risks.

  • Has a student centered approach of instruction.

  • Has clear classroom rules and procedures intact.

  • Has an open door policy (parents and school staff).

  • Creates IEP for students with their parents present.

  • Uses essential questions to provoke thought and curiosity.

  • Includes movement, music and imagery to ground the students.

  • Illustrates that one size does not fit all learners by differentiating.

  • Uses technology as a form of assessment and not just as a hook to a lesson.

  • Practices what she preaches and models appropriate behaviour and respect.

  • Thinks about assessment before deciding how to teach it (Backwards Design)

  • Reflects upon her teaching by using observation and assessment as a resource.

  • Allows students to have their strengths and interests addressed in the curriculum.

  • Takes steps backwards if necessary. I would rather have quality learning than a large insignificant amount of learning.

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