My Teaching Philosophy
All those who are interested in becoming educators know the basic requirements of doing so academically but what about the aspects school cannot teach you? Characteristics educators need to hold such as, leadership, compassion, creativity, and most of all, dedication. It is important to remember that we are preparing children for life as a whole. I do not simply want to be a teacher who instructs students on linguistics and reasoning, but rather an educator who builds their confidence, allows for differences and is all and all, there for them. I know for certain that I will not simply teach them the expertise they need to know to succeed academically, but also the skills they will need to love and respects themselves, as well as others.
As a teacher I believe in:
Being fair
Mutual respect
Genuine praise
Ongoing assessment
Quality over quantity
Inspiring long-life learning
Learning from my students
Questions that stimulate curiosity
Stepping out of my comfort zone
Evaluating the progress of learning
Sharing my classroom with parents
Habitually reflecting upon my teaching
Being warm, supportive and approachable
Accepting students ideas for in class activities
Celebrating our similarities as well as our differences
Setting high expectations for myself and for my students
Allowing students the opportunity to show me their learning in different ways
Using a variety of teaching strategies to cater to a variety of learning styles
I am not naive, and acknowledge that these hopes are difficult to achieve however they are my personal beliefs and I cannot see myself teaching without them.
All in all, my students will know that I believe in them, that they are accepted as they are, and doubtless to say, I will not give up on them. I will do so by giving them the keys to success, the confidence in doing so, as well as the high regard they will be worthy of.