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Differentiation in the Classroom

It is my responsibility to reach and teach the diverse learners in my classroom. This can be done by continually modifying and adapting the curriculum during the day to meet the needs of all my students.



Diversity within the elementary classroom should not be merely tolerated, it should be celebrated!


Every student has something invaluable to contribute to the group, and it is my responsibility to ensure that classroom practices support this belief. With that said, differentiation must always be considered when planning for teaching. Seeing as each student has a unique way of learning and different interests, their differences should be celebrated in the classroom.


In order for my students to have a rich education and establish an awareness of the world around them, I see my classroom as one that allows for differences in many ways:

  • Religions

  • Social abilities

  • Learning styles

  • Academic levels

  • Different families and life styles (single parent families, different cultures, and same-sex families)



I will adapt the learning environment by:

  • Setting up quiet centers.

  • Allowing multiple perspectives and ways of thinking.

  • Keeping students who lose focus quickly at the front of the class.

  • Offering times to work individually and other times to work in groups.

  • Having carpets that keep the sound in for those who are hard of hearing.

  • Incorporate classroom décor that reflect a variety of home situations and cultures.

  • Teaching students that there are multiple historical perspectives and to think critically.

  • Integrate a diverse reading list so that all my students can relate to at least one story in the classroom.



I will adapt my instruction by:

  • Modifying content to students level.

  • Offering different methods of giving students information.

  • Celebrating holidays and heroes from differing cultures and beliefs.

  • Having projects that require students to choose a background outside of their own.


I will adapt my assessment by:

  • Creating customized rubrics related to each option of assessment.

  • Allowing students to choose between several assessment formats to display their learning (oral, essay, narration, rap, art, movie, etc.)


Below is a collection of stories that I would like to have in my class so that my books are diverse on a religious, cultural, social, and gender level.


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