Classroom Organization
The classroom and how its furnishings and contents are arranged can be a powerful teaching tool. While a large goal of mine as an educator is to appropriately introduce classroom procedures and routines to promote positive behavior, the physical and social systems in my future classroom are also important to me.
I believe in impacting my student’s behaviour through the environment.
When designing my classroom I will:
Push together individual desks in order to create cooperative learning areas.
Place motivating posters and images along the walls.
Place frequently used material in an area that is easily accessible (surface storage, shelves, baskets on tables).
Place all necessary material at the eye-level of the students.
Situate recreational and computer areas away from instructional areas.
Separate high traffic areas to avoid congestion (teacher desk, garbage cans, pickup/drop off areas, sharpener, computer and textbook storage areas).
Create a word wall to promote new vocabulary.
Dedicate a corner of the class for student portfolios.
Clear all bulletin boards for future student work to be displayed.
Create a reading nook filled with a collection of great stories, reading buddy teddy bears and comfortable pillows.
Once I have done all of this I will take the time to sit in my students chairs and analyze whether the layout of the room will meet their needs as individual learners.
Can they see me?
Can they see all learning materials?
Are they around anything that might make them lose focus?
Can I see them?
It is important for my students to respect their learning environment therefore I will be creating an environment that illustrates what that looks like. I will do so by having a tidy and organized classroom for the students to learn and grow in. Having a more organized classroom will open up the learning environment. This will create more space and more room for activities for students to be able to get involved in the lesson and interact with each other.
Organized (classroom materials are labeled, books are categorized by genre)
Aesthetically pleasing
If the students enjoy coming to class I strongly believe that their overall behaviour will reflect that as well. With this said I will create a classroom that is warm, welcoming and accepting of their differences in order to make that a reality. In turn they will also be involved in working with me in order to create a caring community of learners.